Thursday, November 16, 2017

If you could change it, would you?

It's the age old question and one that has been swirling around in my head for days. I think of it all even the worst most painful parts. Some times it keeps me up at night. Constantly bombarding my brain.

My answer is yes, if I could change it, get a 3rd chance. Refuse to give up and hash it all out. I would. Some people are just worth that. No matter the friendship, time, distance.

My anw

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Snow Angel, a Kat and Q short

The first snow fall in the East Village had always felt like magic being showered down from above. The snow would lightly drift unto the dirty side walks while the people and traffic bustled around it. For Kat and Q, it was more than just snow, it was tradition.

Since becoming friends in what often felt like another lifetime, the two roommates had a first snow fall tradition. While everyone was scattering to avoid the cold snowy evening, Kat and Q would bundle themselves up and head out for the evening and this evening was no different.

After coats, hats, and gloves were placed onto body parts in anticipation of the cold that would meet them at the door, Kat and Q braved the swirling snow and slight gusts of wind to head to Fiore for their annual first snow dinner. There was something they both loved about sitting in comfortable silence, eating their pasta dishes, and watching the snow causes havoc outside.

The next stop was always to their favorite dive bar aptly named Hole in the Wall. The decor was minimal, there were no tables to sit at, just some stools lined up against the long bar; but the drinks were cheap and the clientele were all locals. No yappy tourists here.

Kat had her usual rum and coke while Q drank whatever beer was cheap and on tap. They chatted with the bar tenders they knew as well as fellow patrons willing to brave the weather for a pint. After half an hour, both women said goodnight to their fellow snow bunnies, rebundled, and headed back into the snow.

The snow had gone from simply falling to sticking to the ground creating a tiny winter wonderland  around them. Although the walk home from the bar was not long, it had started to become a bit treacherous. Q, ever the protector, grabbed Kat's hand in the hopes that together they could remain upright in spots that had become slick.

After a few blocks of sliding, stomping, and walking along the snowy sidewalks, Kat and Q were standing outside their apartment. Q, feeling overheated from the drink, walk, and close proximity of Kat; slowly let go of Kat's hand because she thought the threat of falling was over. She was wrong.

The minute Q turned to walk to the apartment door and unlock it, it happened. One minute Q was standing, key in hand. The next she was lying on her back staring up at the dark sky while snow flakes gently landed on her face.

Kat's first reaction was to laugh, but she hid her smirk and turned to make sure Q was okay.  However, upon inspection, she noticed that Q was not only fine, but turning lemons into lemonade. There, laying in the snowy sidewalk, was an angel. Well Q making a snow angel any way. Kat couldn't help herself any longer and let out a few giggles. "Think that's funny?" Q asked. "Then maybe you should join me" Q said while reaching up to grab Kat's right arm. With a tug that caught Kat completely off guard, Q has successfully brought Kat to the ground next to her.

After getting over her bout of laughter, Kat proceeded to join Q is making a snow angel. The friends laid there enjoying a simple pleasure of making snow angels by moving their arms and legs in and out, up and down. All of a sudden, Kat's left arm went a little too high and wide catching Q in the side of the face.

Q was sure she was seeing stars. The hit had caught her in the jaw causing Q to stop making an angel and clutch a gloved hand at her jaw instead. Kat immediately sat up and moved closer to inspect Q's face. "Q? Q, are you okay?" Kat asked with apparent worry in her voice.  "Mmhhfrs" came the reply.
Slowly and delicately, Kat moved Q's hand away from her jaw so she could look it over and make sure she was okay.
Kat, needing to assess the damage, took her gloves off and slowly ran her hands over and around Q's jaw. Q's heart was beating a mile a minute. No longer did she feel the pain in her jaw for it had be replaced by desire in her chest. Kat looked at Q for a long moment all the while her hands had steadied themselves on Q's cheeks. It felt like all time had stopped. Q wasn't sure whether to get up or stay put. The next thing she feels is Kat's breath so painstakingly closer to hers. "Kat I..." Q managed to get out before Kat's soft lips are upon hers. Q could feel every fiber of her being wake up when Kat's lips had brushed against hers. After a moment, that feeling was gone, replaced with the dusting of snow lightly hitting her lips.
Q sat up to say something to Kat, but she has wordlessly grabbed the key to their apartment off the cold ground and went inside.