Monday, March 17, 2014

Untitled WIP


Welcome to Bell College home of the Pirates. You can find me almost every day at the Olympic size swimming pool housed on the west side of the campus. Am I a swimmer? No, far from it. In fact I can't swim. I can usually be found sitting in the top right bleacher with a laptop sitting on my thighs and Bose headphones in my ears.

Why would someone who can't swim hang out so much at a pool you ask? Even though I have an aversion to water, I find it calming and serene. My name is Desdemona Joan. Yes my mother actually willingly named me that. I go by DJ for obvious reasons. Also I love to spin. I DJ Monday through Wednesday night for our campus radio station so my nickname is only fitting. I use my time at the pool to create new mixes and occasionally study for exams.

The other reason I spend so much time here...her. Not the blond getting out of the pool now, the brunette next to her waiting on the starting block to take her turn practicing the 100 meter backstroke. Her name is Kat. Sorority sister, captain of the swim team, humanitarian, and one of the most popular students at Bell College.

And who am I? No one really.

Chapter 1

This story starts where most stories do: at the beginning, but more importantly at a frat party. I am not  really into parties where guys get super drunk, hit on every girl they see, and vomit at least once throughout the course of the evening, but my friend Scooter begged me to go. His name is actually Josh, but the first time I met him he had just tripped off a curb and smacked into a parked scooter. The name just stuck.

It was 9pm on Saturday September 28, 2014 and Scooter would be here any minute. Giving myself one last look in the mirror, I grab my favorite fedora and head out into the brisk night air.

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